Thank you to our Friends and Patrons for supporting the History of Advertising Trust. Your backing means HAT can continue to promote Agency Legacy and Brand Heritage, whilst also supporting its charitable aims of academic engagement and dementia care. 


  • Rosie Arnold 
  • James Best
  • John Billett
  • Peter Buchanan
  • Rupert Earle 
  • Simon Goode
  • Graham Hinton
  • Geoff Russell 
  • Lord Sharkey
  • John Tylee
  • Keith Weed CBE


  • Jane Capper
  • Sue Eustace 
  • Paul Feldwick
  • Graham Ford
  • Diana Hoy
  • Neil Kennedy
  • Jennifer Laing
  • Geraint Lloyd-Taylor
  • Christopher Macleod 
  • Katharine Mason
  • Simon Mellor
  • Sir Chris Powell 
  • Tom Rodwell
  • Judith Salinson
  • Rory Sutherland
  • John Wringe