The History of Advertising Trust is sustained by the support and goodwill of its donors and we work hard to protect the legacies of the many individuals whose personal collections we hold.

View HAT's Codicil template here. 

What Can I leave to HAT?

Bequeath a Collection

Leave us your personal archive to be preserved as part of our permanent collections, made accessible to researchers and become an integral part of the industry’s story.

Bequeath a Donation

Cash donations help us to look after any personal collection you leave, as well as supporting the preservation of the industry’s heritage, our education projects and our role in supporting dementia care through our ‘Ad-Memoire’ project.

How do I Leave It?

I Don’t Have a Will Yet

You will need to create a will in order to leave your legacy. It is recommended that you do this with the help of your solicitor who can ensure your wishes are correctly recorded.

I Already Have a Will

Add a gift to your existing will by creating an appendix known as a ‘codicil’. You can simply complete HAT's Codicil template and keep it filed alongside your will.

Please contact us for details via