Level: Item
Reference: HAT59/012/007/011
Alt Ref No.: 280499
Extent: 1 commercial
Duration: 00:00:50
Colour: Colour
Brand: Volkswagen (VW) Golf
Agency: DDB Needham
Product: Cars
Product Category: Motoring
Advertiser / Client: VAG (UK) Ltd
Awards: British Arrows: Silver
Awards Date: 1988
Awards Category: Automobiles
Director: David Bailey
Production Company: Paul Weiland Film Co Ltd
Art Director: Graham Featherstone
Copywriter: Barry Greensted
Account Director: Tony Taylor
Agency TV Producer: Howard Spivey
Music: Alan Price
Client Supervisor: John Meszaros
Cameraman: Adrian Biddle
Lighting: Adrian Biddle
Post House: The Moving Picture Company
Film Processing Lab: Rank Film Laboratories
Music Studio: Nova Studio
Film Opticals: The Moving Picture Company
Keywords: Cars, humour, funny, If only Everything in Life Was as Reliable as a Volkswagen, wife, divorce, leaving home, ditching wedding ring, broach, fur coat, keeps the car, independent woman, freedom, representation of women, hatchback, motor, driving, marriage