Level: Item
Reference: HAT59/005/012/102
Alt Ref No.: 276797
Extent: 1 commercial
Duration: 00:00:40
Colour: Colour
Brand: Go-Cat
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV)
Product: Cat food
Product Category: Animals/Pets
Advertiser / Client: Carnation
Awards Date: 1981
Awards Category: British Arrows: 14
Director: Sergio Simonetti
Production Company: Dragon Productions
Art Director: John Horton
Copywriter: Richard Foster
Account Director: Jeff Fugler
Agency TV Producer: Mike Griffin
Music: Dennis Farnon
Client Supervisor: Reg Smith
Cameraman: Ted Gerald
Lighting: Ted Gerald
Slogan: The goodness he needs. The crunchiness he loves.
Film Processing Lab: Studio Film
Music Studio: Music Centre, Wembley
Keywords: The goodness he needs. The crunchiness he loves., cat food, animation, animated cat, animated dog, cat, dog, crunch, wild, dancing cat