Level: Item
Reference: HAT59/007/009/36
Alt Ref No.: 277732
Extent: 1 commercial
Duration: 00:00:40
Colour: Colour
Brand: London Dockland Development Corporation (LDDC)
Agency: Gold Greenless Trott
Product Category: Business to Business
Advertiser / Client: London Dockland Development Corporation (LDDC)
Awards: British Arrows: Diploma
Awards Date: 1983
Awards Category: British Arrows: Category 18c: Corporate Advertising
Director: Ken Turner
Production Company: Clearwater
Art Director: Gordon Smith/Axel Chaldecott
Copywriter: Dave Trott/Steve Henry
Account Director: Jim Kelley
Agency TV Producer: John Henderson/Diane Croll
Client Supervisor: John Groser
Cameraman: Tom Harrison
Lighting: Tom Harrison
Slogan: Why move to the middle of nowhere when you can move to the middle of london
Film Processing Lab: Ranks
Film Opticals: Camera Effects
Keywords: Why move to the middle of nowhere when you can move to the middle of london, puppets, jobs, humour