Level: Item
Reference: HAT59/001/7/44
Alt Ref No.: 286310
Extent: 1 commercial
Duration: 00:00:45
Colour: Colour
Brand: Clarks Shoes
Agency: Collett Dickenson Pearce (CDP)
Product Category: Clothing
Advertiser / Client: Clarks
Awards: British Arrows: Diploma
Awards Date: 1977
Awards Category: British Arrows: Clothing
Director: Alan Parker
Production Company: Alan Parker Film Co Ltd
Art Director: Neil Godfrey
Copywriter: Tony Brignull
Account Director: Geoff Howard-Spink
Agency TV Producer: Judy Hurst
Client Supervisor: Robert Wallace
Cameraman: Ben Knoll
Slogan: Nobody takes more care of their feet
Film Processing Lab: Rank Ltd
Keywords: Shoes, children, shop, mother, Nobody takes more care of their feet, example of poor customer service, salesmanship, lack of choice, ill fitting, compared with Clarks, specialist, trained, skilled, caring, tailor-made, Tony Brignull