Reference: LIB/6153
Extent: 1 book
Brand: 3I Investors in Industry; A & M Records; Airport Magazine; Alan International Hairdressing; Allied National Brands; Artifort;
American Express; ANWB Dutch Automobile Association; Augustus Martin; Architectural Press; Automobile Association;
Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry; Bass; BBC; Beecham Proprietaries; Blueprint Magazine; Boilerhouse Project;
Boase Massimi Pollitt; Brooker Health; Boots Chemist; British Airways; British Rail; BT; Bryant May; Burtons Biscuits; Boots;
Campbells Soups; Carroll, Dempsey & Thirkell; CC Soft Drinks; Central Office of Information; Channel 4; Citroen; Coopers & Lybrand;
Courage Brewing; Coutts; Cow & Gate; CPC; Crabtree & Evelyn; Cubic Metre Furniture; Cullens Holdings; Danish Bacon;
Davis Wilkins; Derbyshire County Council; Dickens & Jones; Drybrough & Co; Duracell; Edinburgh Solicitors Property Centre;
Elle; Ergonom Ltd; Economist newsletter; Fine Art Society;Faber & Faber; Face Ronchetti; Factory Records; James Farrell;
FF Publishing; Fine Fare Ltd; Fisher Price; John Frieda; Gallaher; Giorgio Armani; Graison; Grampian TV; Granada TV; Guardian;
Stephen Greenfield; Greenpeace; Guess Inc; GMSPO; Haymarket Publishing; Health Education Council; Hewlet-Packard;
Hit and Run Music; Holsten Distributors; Honeywell; ITP Publications; IBM; ICL; Imperial War Museum;
International Wool Secretariat; Island Records; Paul Izard; Jenni Stone; Jewson Builders Merchant; Jones; Kimberly Clark;
Ken Kirkwood; Klaus Wuttke; Krups; Leagas Delaney; Lever Bros; Levi Strauss; London Brick; London Underground;
Lowe Howard Spink Marschalk Ltd; Lyons Bakery; Mail on Sunday; Macdonald and Muir; Marks & Spencer; Mavity Gilmore;
Metheun; Minale Tattersfield; Motorcycle Association; Next; Nike; National Advertising Benevolent Society; News UK; NSPCC;
|National Maritime Museum; News Corporation Ltd; Observer Magazine; Olympus; Oracle; Opera Stage; Partners; Post Office;
Penhaligons; Percentum Foods; Philip Tite Fine Wines; Picador; Pan Books; Pikington Bros; Polycell; Porsche;
Pretty Polly; Punch Publications; Qantas Airways; Radio Rentals Ltd; Rank Film and TV; Republic National Bank of New York;
Robinsons of Chesterfield; Rosehaugh Stanhope Developments; Rowntree Mackintosh; Royal Mail Stamps;
Royal Shakespeare Company; Savoy Group; Saatchi & Saatchi; Samaritans; Scottish & Newcastle Breweries; Seagrams;
Sector Group Ltd; Shell oil; Sidgwick & Jackson; Silk Pearce; Duncan Sim; Smith & Nephew; Sutton Cooper; Swan; Sharwoods;
Sainsburys; South West Thames Regional Cancer Authority; Society for promotion of Christian Knowledge; Third Way Books;
Trickett & Webb; Tesco; The Times Newspaper; Thistle Hotels; Tonka; Toshiba; VAG; Victoria & Albert Museum; Virgin Records;
Volvo; Warren Editions; Watney Mann & Truman Brewers; Whitbread; Wickes; World of Interiors; Wiggins Teape;
Zeebelt Theater; ZTT Records Ltd;
Editor: Designers and Art Directors Association
Subject: annual; awards; advertising; D&AD; 24th